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what we do

what we do


people inspiring thoughtware: is built out of past experiences, and education which creates a specific context out of which our actions and interactions emerge.

thoughtware involves identifying the thoughts people currently employ, thoroughly seeing its consequences, understanding how alternative thoughtware would function, and deciding which thoughtware best fits with personal and organisational objectives.

thoughtware is considered to be the next evolution in human communications technology.


Fail to plan - plan to fail. multidimensional thoughtware empowers the creativity which ensures new approaches to human communication.  whether physical or virtual communication is employed the human dimension is always of the utmost importance.

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strategic thinking & planning.
  • strategic hrm and/or marketing planning.

  • brand thinking, development and communications.

  • multi-communication channel planning and execution.

  • quantitative & qualitative research and measurement.

  • organisational, employee & marketplace development and evaluation.

  • cultural alignment, integration and assessment.

creative thinking & implementation.
  • “big idea” & initiative development.

  • story & communications evolution.

  • brand strategy & creation.

  • targeted copy writing & image reinforcement.

  • communications campaign integration.

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  • mobile engagement & experiences.

  • multichannel content creation.

  • event development (physical or virtual) & management.

  • social media exploitation, website & app development.

  • hrm system alignment with company focus.

  • hrm information systems integration.

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